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Bioarchitecture is the pure principle set of rules for design, construction and land use, which utilises the necessary 'fractal' or rose like symmetry / shape of electric fields which allow all living systems to thrive, thus bioarchitecture allows building and community plans to make FRACTAL (shape similarity across scales - like Russian dolls nested in one another) and rose-petal like electrical charge fields, which puts energy into everything based on DNA.  Genes are like all living things - they are based on PHI (natural ratio / harmonic - 1:1.618033989..) and fractality precisely because only phi based constructive charge wave compression allows all biologic memory to be stored - and allows that same field effect to radiate efficiently into the electric flower of self organization called growth, healing, attention, bliss, and successful living.

Waste equals fuel, and in this case a building material.

While one aspect is to create housing based on the indiividual and family needs rather then how large can we go.

How to make housing more sustianable, a couple steps in the right direction

first focusing on size reduction, material selection, and construction methods. While exploring some new ideas in modular housing, designing for renewable materials, and using local rapid renewable resources. At the same time with the goal of reducing energy use, embodied energy in materials, and water usage. 

Micro homes
Homes built from waste


A summer home should be simple insofar as it is easy to maintain, inexpensive, comfortable and requires little work to get back into working condition after being idle for a while. While this miniature modular house by Tommie Wilhelmsen takes advantage of cheap materials, a simple plan and a small site to save on costs, it is also compelling in its three-dimensional spatial complexity

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